Arianna Wong Arianna Emiko Wong, also known as “Ari,” serves as a Resident Advisor for Lydia House, where she provides support to ‘ōpio ages 16 to 24 as they strive toward independence and resilience. Like her Teammates at Lydia House, Ari ensures that ‘ōpio are provided with food, communication technology, wholesome recreation, hygiene facilities, and support in social-assistance processes.“I hope to remind our ‘ōpio of their self-worth, that they matter to the community, and that it is very possible to live a fulfilling life on their own someday,” she says. “I look forward to cultivating meaningful interactions with our youth and assisting them on their journey to independent well-being.” Before joining LH, Ari gained experience across various sectors, including public safety and retail. Her versatile skill set helps to guide ʻōpio toward career pathways. Drawing from her life experiences, Ari finds fulfillment in “giving back and seeing tangible change” in the community. She wholeheartedly embraces the Trust’s mission “to end apathy and perpetuate growth and compassion within our community,” and she is optimistic that her role at LH will contribute to her personal growth, as well.When she isn’t supporting ‘ōpio at Lydia House, she can be found in the gym, increasing strength and mass through bodybuilding. She also plays the banjo and guitar. In her leisure time, Ari enjoys experimenting with recipes in her home kitchen, often drawing inspiration from the renowned chef Julia Child. “Ten out of ten. I would recommend trying them out!” she says.