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Ea: Advocacy

Native Hawaiians and the 2020 Census

The U.S. Census Bureau is seriously considering changes to the way Census data are reported. The goal is better protecting the privacy of Census respondents. LT supports and understands the need for strong privacy protection for all Census respondents. However, we believe that the Bureau has a responsibility to do this in a way that does not reduce the quality and accuracy of Census data itself. 

Unfortunately, the Disclosure Avoidance System proposed by the Census Bureau would result in inaccuracies that are especially concerning for smaller populations like Native Hawaiians and many Indigenous and minority groups, and for rural communities in general. LT has partnered with other Hawaiian serving organizations to explain our concerns and make specific recommendations for ways in which the Census Bureau can continue to protect respondent privacy, without undermining the accuracy of the data and of decisions made using the data.

For more detailed information see this letter sent to the Director of the U.S. Census Bureau

LT Vulnerability Information Briefs

R&E launches its Vulnerability Information Briefs Series with two briefs focused on Childhood Poverty and Grief and Loss. The briefs provide parents and caregivers with basic information and statistics about these vulnerabilities that LT has prioritized to serve. Stay tuned as we disseminate briefs each quarter in 2020.

Childhood Poverty: Vulnerability Information Brief Series No. 1 .pdf

Grief and Loss: Vulnerability Information Brief Series No. 2 .pdf

State of Play Hawaiʻi

In a state whose greatest strength is its culture and a desire of its kamali’i to reconnect with tradition and language, State of Play Hawai’i shows kids are moving away from local leagues at young ages to play sports year-round for teams farther from home. Preliminary research suggests that youth sports parents in Hawai’i spend $732 per child annually in one sport, higher than the national average. Meanwhile, kids said the main reason they participate in sports is to play with friends; winning ranked 11th.

The report, commissioned by Lili’uokalani Trust (LT), followed an eight-month analysis of how well adults in the state are serving youth sports in each of Hawai’i’s four counties with a focus on Native Hawaiian youth. LT will assemble a task force to analyze the report’s findings and recommendations.

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