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Mural painting of two Hawaiian girls in pele hair haku.

About Us

Who We Are

Lili‘uokalani Trust is a private operating foundation established in 1909 for the benefit of orphan and destitute children, with preference given to Native Hawaiians. We serve thousands of kamali‘i, or beneficiaries, through a combination of direct services and collaborations with community partners.

Our team of over 200 professionals is united by our passion to continue the Queen’s legacy and to break the cycle of poverty for Native Hawaiians.

What We Do

What We Do

Guided by our Strategic Plan, our team focuses on five areas:

  • Innovative programs serving kamaliʻi from conception to age 26. We focus on three areas: Early Childhood (0-5), Youth Development (6-18), and Opportunity Youth (16-26). We invest in transformative programs, innovation, and research that integrates social-emotional support services.
  • Trauma-informed social-emotional support services. We foster healing, health, and stabilization for vulnerable Native Hawaiian children. Our services focus on strengthening relationships and connections between kamaliʻi and their family, culture, and community resources.
  • Robust capabilities in research and evaluation. We contribute to improved wellbeing for Native Hawaiian kamaliʻi by creating and sharing radical and new knowledge and supporting culturally responsive researchers and evaluators.
  • Organizational Excellence. The heart of LT is a strong organizational foundation of technically skilled professionals.
  • Effective Resource Management. Our Team manages and stewards the assets of the Trust to support kamaliʻi today and in perpetuity.

Mission, Vision & Core Values

Mission, Vision & Core Values

Our Mission

Liliʻuokalani Trust provides opportunities for Hawaiian children to realize their greatest potential: living healthy, joyful, and prosperous lives, while contributing positively to their families, communities, and the world.

Our Vision

E nā kamalei lupalupa - Thriving Hawaiian children.

Core Values


Compassion, Empathy, Kindness

ʻImi Naʻauao

Seeking knowledge


Responsible, Accountable




Right time, Place, Reason, People, Tools


Courageous, Brave, Fearless

our people

Our Team

Our teammates represent the diversity of our islands and are united in their passion to carry out the Queen's vision. Every person, in every role, contributes their unique talents and gifts to serve our most vulnerable kamali'i.

Meet the Team
more about LT

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible for services? Do you have volunteer opportunities? Get answers to these frequently asked questions and more.

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