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Evaluation with Aloha

Evaluation With Aloha

Evaluation with Aloha: A Framework for Working in Native Hawaiian Contexts

The Culturally Responsive Evaluation and Assessment-Hawaiʻi (CREA-HI) hui began meeting in 2014 as a group of evaluation professionals and other community practitioners seeking to uplift indigenous paradigms in evaluation.

The Aloha Framework is humbly and respectfully offered to evaluators, those who commission evaluation services, and those who participate in or are otherwise stakeholders in evaluations conducted in Native Hawaiian contexts. It is our hope that evaluators will use this document to reflect on their practice and be inspired to share their successes and challenges, that evalua­tion funders will use this document to guide the solicitation and selection of evaluators, and that the communities and organiza­tions who are impacted by and who are (ideally) participants in evaluations will use this document to ensure their voices are fully and fairly represented. (Note, communities is used in this docu­ment as comprising regions or locales or social or affinity groups.)

See report

Evaluation with Aloha, Aloha Framework, Culturally Responsive Evaluation and Assessment-Hawaii, oiwi