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Opportunity Youth

Opportunity Youth

LT serves Opportunity Youth ages 16-26 as they transition from adolescence into young adulthood. Programs are offered throughout the pae ʻāina, with a special emphasis at LT Ranch on Hawai'i Island and Lydia House (an LT subsidiary) in downtown Honolulu. These healing places will provide youth with opportunities for hope, growth, and steady transition into the next chapters of their lives.

Lydia House


Now open!

Mondays and Wednesdays, 9AM - 1PM

Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9AM - 4PM

Located in Urban Honolulu, Lydia House is a puʻuhonua and place of healing for Opportunity Youth (ages 16-26) transitioning out of care, including involvement with the Child Welfare and/or Juvenile Justice System. Lydia House is a subsidiary of LT; visit its website at www.lydiahousehi.org.

LT Ranch


Located in a lush, rural community on Hawaiʻi Island, LT Ranch offers day programs and in-residence camps for youth (13-18) who find themselves in challenging circumstances whether at school, work, or in their personal lives. The nature-based programs at LT Ranch promote meaningful connections and healing through ʻāina, animals, and art — all within an intimate and experiential ranch setting. Youth will benefit from extra support, growing their inherent potential, and identifying next steps for their self-defined success.

Interest forms for LT Ranch's 2024 Programs will be available soon. For more information, please contact Jill Beatty at jbeatty@onipaa.org

Nā Leo o Kamakaʻeha


Nā Leo o Kamakaʻeha is an exciting paid 16-week opportunity for youth ages 16-26. Participants will help to develop exciting youth programming for the community, speak up for what they believe in, and will become more confident and courageous in advocating for change. Virtually and in-person, up to 10 hours per week.

Learn more!