Brandon Soong Brandon Napaepae Soong is a Ranch Associate who stewards both the animals and the land at LT Ranch on Hawaiʻi Island. As a regenerative farmer and rancher, Brandon feels right at home with his responsibilities, which include landscaping, fencing, farming, and facility maintenance.“The position excites me because I have a huge passion for farm and ranch animals, especially horses,” he says. “If I could be a full-time farmer and rancher, that would be my dream job and career. This job is very close to that, and I love my job.”Brandon finds a deep resonance with LT’s mission. During a recent exploration of his genealogy, he discovered William Ponohu White, an ancestor who supported the Queen and dedicated his life to the restoration of her throne. Inspired by his great ancestor, Brandon is grateful to advance the Queen’s legacy by promoting the welfare of kānaka and kamaliʻi. Before joining LT, Brandon had a diversified career path that included construction worker, unexploded ordnance tech, tree trimmer, and wildlife specialist. He has a Bachelor’s in Exercise Sports Science, and a Minor in Hawaiian Studies at Brigham Young University of Hawaiʻi.When he isn’t working at LT Ranch, Brandon enjoys camping, hiking, biking, fishing, diving, surfing, hunting, horseback riding — and everything outdoors. His backyard at home teems with life, namely sheep, cattle, goats, dogs, and chickens, alongside five beautiful horses. He’s active in his Christian church and is a devoted husband, father and grandfather. Fun facts about Brandon: He raises and sells pasture-grazing meat pigs. And he’s an Eagle Scout. “ʻBe prepared’ has always been a huge motto in my life,” he says.