Kristen Honda Born and raised in Hilo on the Big Island of Hawaiʻi, Kristen has been dancing hula since she was six. As a keiki, she placed third place in the Keiki Solo Hula Competition in Hilo, danced in the Merrie Monarch Festival, and traveled to Japan to assist in hula workshops. In Japan, she performed in many shows and even did a photo shoot for a Japanese magazine.From kindergarten to sixth grade at Keaukaha Elementary School, Kristen started her Hawaiian language journey. She later moved to Ke Kulaʻo Nāwahīokalaniʻōpuʻu from 7th to 12th grade and continued her Hawaiian courses at UH Hilo.In her free time, Kristen enjoys hunting with her husband, relaxing on the beach with a fishing pole in the water, spending quality time with family, and enjoying good movies and tv shows at home.Before finding her passion honoring the Queenʻs legacy, Kristen found interest in the hospitality industry working for six years at a hotel rich in Hawaiian heritage. There she served as a Guest Service Agent, then as the Front Office Manager. Kristen enjoys the commitment LT has in serving the Queen, continuing her legacy, and giving our kamaliʻi the chance to make a difference in their lives and the world