Leialoha Kekauoha-Masoe Leialoha was born on the island of Maui, but was raised in both Waimānalo, Oʻahu, and Hoʻokena, on Hawaiʻi Island. Blessed to be named after the many mana wahine in her ʻohana, Leialoha is honored to carry her Tutu, her grandmother and, most importantly, her mother's name in her inoa. Without the aloha and mana from them, from her kūpuna, her ʻohana, and her ʻaumākua, Leialoha would not be where she is today.A true Gryffindor, and an even truer country girl, Leialoha loves to dance hula and play volleyball. She currently dances hula for Hālau Kilipohe Nā Lei Lehua under the direction of Kumu Sky Gora and Liko Cooke. Leialoha loves to be outdoors whether it is in the loʻi, malā, or at the beach, and enjoys spending time with her ʻohana. She also loves to read, binge watch on Netflix and Hulu, and go on new adventures and journeys with her kāne, Kūpono. Leialoha shared that her kāne is her rock, her soul, her best friend, and most importantly, her light. Without Kūpono, there is no Leialoha, and she mahalo Ke Akua everyday for her Kūpono.Leialoha received her Associates of Arts Degree in ʻIke Hawaiʻi, along with an Academic Subject Certificate in both ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi and Moʻolelo Hawaiʻi from Windward Community College in 2014. She attended the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, graduating as the Student Marshall for Kamakakūokalani in 2015 with her B.A. in ʻIke Hawaiʻi with a concentration in Hālau o Laka. After obtaining her Bachelors Degree, she pursued her graduate degree in Psychology and graduated in 2017 with a Masterʻs of Arts in Psychology with a concentration in Education, graduating Summa Cum Laude.Leialoha has over 17 years experience in Native Hawaiian non-profit organizations as both a haumāna and a Kumu. Leialohaʻs passion, aloha, and iʻini to work with the ʻōpio and keiki of Hawai'i nei has led her on her journey to Lili'uokalani Trust. She shared that Lili'uokalani Trust helped her and her ʻohana when she was a senior in high school, and Leialoha feels so honored and humbled to be back to LT again, full circle, and to be a part of an amazing legacy, an incredible ʻohana, and an even greater lāhui. Leialoha will never forget what Queen Lili'uokalani has done and provided for her and the lāhui, and will always strive to be as courageous and selfless as she. Ma hope mākou o Liliʻuokalani! "Mōhala i ka wai ka maka o ka pua."Unfolded by the water are the faces of the flowers.Flowers thrive where there is water, as thriving people are found where living conditions are good.[ʻŌlelo Noʻeau #2178]