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Keʻalaʻiliahi Ford

 Keʻalaʻiliahi Ford hails from Nānākuli and holds a bachelor's degree in psychology from the University of Hawaiʻi - West Oʻahu.

Keʻalaʻiliahi is currently an intern with four years of experience collaborating with psychologist Danelle Medeiros, an expert in sand play therapy. Following a year-long hiatus from college, Keʻalaʻiliahi is actively pursuing a graduate degree. During this transitional year, she will shift into a paid internship role under Danelle Medeiros. Additionally, Keʻalaʻiliahi plans to persist in her research on the emotional aspects of love, hate, and hoʻoponopono within the Hawaiian community, working alongside her mentor, Dr. Katherine Aumer.

She is an active member of three distinct boards. Notably, she is involved with PlayBuilders Hawaiʻi, while also holding the position of secretary in the Waiʻanae Hawaiian Civic Club. In her free time, Keʻalaʻiliahi finds joy in singing Hawaiian music with her mother. Keʻalaʻiliahi's motivation for joining the council stems from her desire to give back to fellow Hawaiian youth while contributing to the perspective of mental health and well-being. Her aspiration for this initiative is to create a lasting positive impact on youth for generations to come.