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Zoe Sialana

Zoe Sialana is a student at the University of Hawaiʻi West O’ahu.

Having recognized the impact of media in our modern world, as well as their love for the arts from a young age, they are pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Humanities with a concentration in film, media, and pop culture. Beyond their academic pursuits, they are a passionate advocate for indigenous and underrepresented communities' political engagement, community support systems, and for making cities and public transportation more accessible.

In their free time, Zoe is an active participant in local cultural events, whether it's uncoordinatedly dancing at a bon dance, cheering along colorful parades, or taking on the role of chef de cuisine for friends and family, cooking up some mean grindz. Through their involvement with Nā Leo o Kamaka’eha, they seek to expand their outreach efforts and curate a safe and inclusive space for Native Hawaiian youth.